ProQuest Dissertations and Theses is a comprehensive database of dissertations and theses from around the world.
Dissertations and theses can be valuable references, often containing unpublished original and cutting edge research. Many papers are later used as a basis for peer-reviewed journal articles.
If the database contains full text for a thesis or dissertation, you will see a link for “Preview - PDF” and “Full text – PDF.” You can limit to only full text by clicking the “Full text” box under the search box.
If the database does not contain the full text for a thesis or dissertation, you will see a link for “Find a copy.” Find a copy will open window that allows you to search for the paper in Google Scholar. If you cannot find it in Google Scholar, choose the orange “Find it @ Adams” button and fill out an interlibrary loan request with the dissertation or thesis information.
Although ProQuest Theses and Dissertations is the main database for this topic, other resources can help you find theses and dissertations. Some good examples are Google Scholar and Open Access Theses and Dissertations: