Adams State University
Nielsen Library

Nielsen Library Help Center: Using the Library

Using the Library: Current Students

All current students can get their library card number by visiting the circulation desk on the library first floor and presenting a current student ID. A library card number is necessary to check out physical items from the library; it is not necessary to use electronic resources or request books from Prospector.

On-Campus students: To checkout a physical item, please go to the first floor the Nielsen library with your current ASU ID and your item. To renew items log into your library account with your name and library number (401…) or asu+900 number (asu900xxxx). You can also renew items by calling the circulation desk at 719-587-7781.

For more information on finding items, please go to Find and Request Materials.

Distance & online students: Distance students are encouraged to use their local libraries for physical items, unless they live near the university. However, some programs allow students to borrow up to 5 physical items from the library’s circulating collection. These items will be sent to the students home address. Please email Rosanna Backen at for more information.

Print correspondence students: Print correspondence students do not have direct access to library databases or books, but can seek mediated access through the assistance of a librarian.

Limits and checkout periods for students

Item Limit Check-out Period
Books No limit on books 3 weeks, 3 renewals
Interlibrary Loan No limit Depends on lending library
Popular Books 3 items 3 weeks, no renewals
DVDs and VHS 2 items 1 week, no renewals for popular, 3 weeks, no renewals for regular
Technology Collection 1 item depends on the item
Board and Card Games 3 items 1 week, no renewals
Seeds 10 packets forever
All students, with the exception of print correspondence students, should have access to the library’s electronic resources. The login will be the same as the one for your blackboard account. If you are unable to login off-campus, please contact computing services for an account.
While students cannot reserve individual study rooms they can reserve the larger group study rooms and classrooms. You can find out more about what the rooms are like on the room reservations page. To reserve a room, please fill out this form or call the library reference desk at 719-587-7196.
The library has 2 black and white printers, 1 color printer, 3 EPSON scanners, 1 book scanner, and 1 public copier. Students can also print from laptops by using Adams State webprint. Please see the computer information page for locations and pricing.
To get on the library wifi network, first select the ASU wifi. Then open up a browser. The browser should prompt you to login with your student account. If you have any problems connecting to campus wifi please contact computing services.

To submit a thesis

Students may submit extra copies, however, they will be expected to pay via check for additional copies.

All theses will be placed in our digital repository.

Read our theses policy.

Not finding what you need? Visit the Library Help Center or contact us for more information.

Using the Library: Faculty and Staff

Every faculty member has a subject liaison who assists in teaching information literacy, ordering books, and answering any questions that faculty might have. Find my subject librarian.

Faculty are encouraged to recommend books, journals, DVDs, or other items to add to the library’s collection.

To request the library make a purchase please contact your subject liaison.

For more information on the types of materials the library collects, please see the library’s collection development policy.

Professors may place books, videos, and other materials on reserve for student use. You may place library items or items of your own on reserve. You may also request that the library purchase items for reserve. Although the library rarely purchases textbooks, we sometimes make exceptions for large entry level classes.

To place an item on reserve, fill out a reserve request form online or complete a paper form at the Circulation Desk, located on the first floor of the library.

About Reserves

  • Reserve items are kept at the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the library.
  • Reserve items must be used in the library and may be checked out for one-hour periods. To check out reserve items, patrons must present their ASU library card.
  • Reserve items need to be turned in to Rosanna Backen or the Circulation Desk at least 24 hours before you anticipate students requesting them.
  • Please give the library staff at least 24 hours to remove items from reserve before you wish to pick them up.
  • If you have any questions, please feel free to call Rosanna Backen at 719-587-7173.
The library has several large rooms that may be reserved. You can find out more about what the rooms are like on the room reservations page. To reserve a room, please fill out this form or call the library reference desk at 719-587-7196.

To submit a thesis

Students may submit extra copies, however, they will be expected to pay via check for additional copies.

All theses will be placed in our digital repository.

Read our theses policy.

Library tours or instruction sessions are available for all ASU classes. Instruction sessions may be held in the library, in a computer lab elsewhere on campus, or in the class's regular classroom. Each library instruction session is tailored to fit the needs of that specific class.

To arrange a tour or instruction session, please email Geoff Johnson at or submit the electronic request form.

Before coming to the Nielsen Library:

  • Students should determine a topic for their research.
  • Students should bring paper and pens/pencils.
  • If students will be using the photocopiers or the microform printers, they should bring money. Students should bring one dollar or five dollar bills to change or, preferably, an adequate supply of nickels. (The microform machines accept only nickels.)
The library has 2 black and white printers, 1 color printer, 3 EPSON scanners, 1 book scanner, and 1 public copier. Please see the computer information page for locations and pricing.

To checkout an item, please go to the first floor the Nielsen library with your current ASU ID. To renew items log into your library account with your name and library number (401…). You can also renew items by calling the circulation desk at 719-587-7781.

For more information on finding items, including how to use interlibrary loan, please go to Find and Request Materials.

Limits and checkout periods for faculty and staff

Item Limit Check-out Period
Books No limit Current semester
Interlibrary Loan No limit Depends on lending library
Popular Books 3 items 3 weeks, no renewals
DVDs and VHS 2 items 1 week, no renewals for popular, current semester, no renewals for regular
Technology Collection 1 item depends on the item
Board and Card Games 3 items 1 week, no renewals
Seeds 10 packets forever

* Nielsen library staff can override certain limits if needed. Please contact your liaison if you need an item for a longer period of time.

All faculty should have access to the library’s electronic resources, including databases, eBooks, and streaming video. If you are unable to login off-campus, please contact computing services for an account.

Not finding what you need? Visit the Library Help Center or contact us for more information.

Using the Library: Community

To get a library card you must:

  • Be a resident of the San Luis Valley
  • Be age 16 and older
  • Have a driver's license or other photo ID

Please bring your license or other photo ID to the circulation desk on the 1st floor of the library. Upon filling out an application form, we will mail you an ASU library card.

If you lose your library card, call the circulation desk at 719-587-7781 and tell us your card is lost.

To change your address or phone number, login to your account, click Profile, then click Edit Options. You may also stop by or call the circulation desk at 719-587-7781.

Community patrons may check out

  • five books and/or use the in-library laptops immediately after registration
  • movies or board games after they receive their library card in the mail
  • five items at a time, no more than two of which may be videos or board games
  • ten seed packets
  • five Overdrive (eBooks and audio books) items. This is separate from the five physical items.

Technology items (iPads, GoPro, etc.) and textbook reserves are for student and staff use only.

To renew your items log into your library account with your name and library number (401…). You may renew most items up to three times. You can also renew items by calling the circulation desk at 719-587-7781.

To request materials not available in Prospector, you need to request an Interlibrary Loan account for access.

Limits and checkout periods for community

Item Limit Check-out Period
Books 5 items 3 weeks, 3 renewals
Interlibrary Loan 5 items Depends on lending library
Popular Books 3 items 3 weeks, no renewals
DVDs and VHS 2 items 1 week, no renewals for popular, 3 weeks, no renewals for regular
Board and Card Games 3 items 1 week, no renewals
Seeds 10 packets forever

For more information on finding items, please go to Find and Request Materials.

Computer Labs

The computer labs are not open to the public. There are four open computer terminals around the library that may be used for quick email access or to look up government information.


To check out a laptop, community members:

  • Must have a library card or photo ID
  • Be at least 18 years old

Laptops may be checked out at the first floor circulation desk. Laptops check out for two hours and must be used in the library.


Wi-Fi is available on all three floors of the library. Community members may get a WiFi account for three days by logging on to the ASUGuest network and clicking on Request Guest Access. If you need access for longer than three days, or are unable to connect to the network, please contact us at 719-587-7879. All users must comply with ASU's Computing Services Policies.

Community members may reserve library classrooms if availability allows. Please see Room Reservations for more information.

All age levels of school and community groups are welcome at ASU Nielsen Library. Please review the group policies and the suggestions below before contacting the library.

To arrange a tour or instruction session, please email Jeffrey Bullington at

Group Policies

  • No visits will be scheduled during evening hours, weekends, the last week of classes, or final exam week.
  • School groups are to be limited to 35 students. Best results occur, however, with smaller groups of 25 or fewer students.
  • Teachers and accompanying parents are to help maintain order during visits. For first grade through sophomores, one supervising adult is needed for each ten students. For juniors and seniors, one supervising adult is needed for each fifteen students.

Suggestions before coming to the Nielsen Library

  • Students should determine a topic for their research.
  • Students should bring paper and pens/pencils and, if appropriate, a flash drive.
  • If students will be using the photocopiers or the microform printers, they should bring money. Students should bring one-dollar or five-dollar bills to change or, preferably, an adequate supply of nickels. (The microform machines accept only nickels.)

Not finding what you need? Visit the Library Help Center or contact us for more information.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.