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Adams State University
Nielsen Library

Citation Management Systems (CMS)

Need help citing your sources and compiling your research? Let us help!

Mendeley is...

"Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research." (

Creating a Mendeley Account

●Go to and create an account with Mendeley. (If you need help with creating an account, follow the steps provided by the tap how to download Mendeley two tabs above this tab.)

●After you have created your account, click on Library at the top, which will bring up where you will be saving the documents that you want to use.

●Go to and find the articles that you would like to use in your paper, then download them.

●From there click the blue add button at the top left. This will allow you to add articles that you have downloaded, folders and also manually add articles or text books.

Download & How To Use Mendeley

What Mendeley porvides

  • It's compatible with both Windows and Mac computers.
  • It allows you to annotate sources as you read.
  • Mendeley adds research you have already done: the program will automatically add author, title and publisher information from PDFs you import.
  • You can access your library of research from your laptop, home computer, smart phone or laptop.
  • It has many science and technology job postings, and emails you when more positions open up.
  • There are available apps for both Android and IPhone 
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.