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Adams State University
Nielsen Library

Citation Management Systems (CMS)

Need help citing your sources and compiling your research? Let us help!

Mendeley Online

●Go to and create an account with Mendeley. (If you need help with creating an account, follow the steps provided by the tap how to download Mendeley two tabs above this tab.)
●After you have created your account, click on Library at the top, which will bring up where you will be saving the documents that you want to use.
●Go to and find the articles that you would like to use in your paper, then download them.
●From there click the blue add button at the top left. This will allow you to add articles that you have downloaded, folders and also manually add articles or text books.


1.Go to and create an account. (If you need help with creating an account, follow the steps provided in how to download Zotero two tabs above this tab.)
2.Go to to find and download articles on the topic of your papers.
3.After downloading click on the green plus button back at at the top middle of the screen and fill out the information about the article. Keep in mind the more information you fill out the more inline with the manual of writing.
4.Once you have filed it out and added the document to your library, Click on the three blue dot buttons to get a reference citation. Check the manual to make sure that you have a proper citation.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.