All physical books, except for children’s books and government documents, are shelved using the Library of Congress system.
If a book says “It’s Here”, you can find it by writing down the location and call number. For example, “ASU Main (3rd floor) GV706.5 .M46 2007” means that book is on the 3rd floor with the main collection at location GV705.5. .M46, and it was published in 2007.
If a book says “Access Online” or “Check Out OverDrive” it is an eBook. See our database guides for OverDrive or ProQuest eBook Central.
Library Locations
Popular books, new books, popular DVDs, new DVDs, textbook reserves, technology items, and seeds are on the first floor. Go to library map.
Reference materials, government documents, microfilm, and periodicals are on the second floor. Go to library map.
Main book collection, oversize book collection, children’s collection, maps, and media (older videos and DVDs) are on the third floor. Go to library map.
If an item says “See a Librarian” it is kept in a closed stack. Please call 719-587-7879 or go to the circulation desk to request use of this item.
You have a couple of options if you cannot find the book or DVD you need:
If the blue button says:
Place Hold OverDrive – The eBook or audiobook is available through OverDrive, but someone else is using it. Place a hold and you will be notified when it becomes available. Overdrive items require separate software to read/use.
Check Out OverDrive - The eBook or audiobook is available through OverDrive, and can be checked out now. Overdrive items require separate software to read/use.
Access Online – Click this button and you will be able to access the eBook, government document, or thesis directly online. The library purchases both ProQuest and EBSCO eBooks.
To renew your library items
All library fines must be paid for at the student union building.
You can see your fines by logging into your library account and going to "Fines and Messages". Go to your library account.
The library often runs "Food for Fines" promotions at the end of the semester, where we accept canned items for fines. Notices will be put around the library when this drive occurs.
eBooks and other electronic resources are never fined.