Adams State University
Nielsen Library

Borrowing Material from Other Libraries: SILLVR (Streaming ILL Video Resources)

SILLVR (Streaming ILL Video Resources)

What is SILLVR?

SILLVR stands for Streaming InterLibrary Loan Video Resources; it is a new pilot program where libraries are sharing access to streaming video services they subscribe to. 

Please note: SILLVR is only available to ASU affiliates.

How to Use SILLVR

SILLVR is being hosted by Prospector, so you'll use the Prospector interface for searching. You can get to Prospector from the Library Homepage by clicking on the "Books & eBooks" option (green box or bulleted list), and then clicking on Prospector from the bulleted list under browse.

Once on the Prospector page, type SILLVR (caps or lower-case, it doesn't matter) into the Search box.

  1. Searching just this term will bring back everything that is available as a streaming video, regardless of topic, if you're interested in browsing.
  2. Adding your search topic keywords after SILLVR will bring back the streaming videos available on that topic. (e.g. SILLVR climate change)

Requesting Material

  1. Look for the "Request It" button next to the correct citation/format information. 
  2. A popup window should appear, asking for your affiliation; Adams State is at the top.
  3. Click on "Submit the information."
  4. You'll be asked to input your name (Last name reduces errors), and your ASU 900 number. *Please note, you need to include the letters ASU (not case sensitive) and the full 900 number. (e.g. "asu900123456")
  5. Click "Submit," and your request will be processed. 
  6. You will receive an email including a URL/link to your video, as well as the expiration date/time. For FACULTY, we will include an LMS link for posting the material in Blackboard.
  7. You'll have 21 days to view the material before the link expires.


Video Demo (includes SILLVR & eBooks)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.