Adams State University
Nielsen Library

Nielsen Library Policies: Weeding

Weeding Policy

Updated 4/13/2023

Reasons to weed:

  • Improve collection relevance to patrons

  • Make room for collection growth/development

  • Remove outdated or unused materials


Weeding guidelines:

  • Misleading (contains factually inaccurate information not of interest to History students, e.g., multiple works of phrenology)

  • Ugly (damaged or worn beyond repair)

  • Superseded (a newer edition or superior work on the subject is either available or already in the collection)

  • Trivial (of no literary or scientific merit to the collection)

  • Irrelevant (of no need or interest to the library’s patron base)

  • Elsewhere (material easily available from another library, and not of sufficient interest to justify inclusion in the Nielsen Library inventory)


Specific criteria: 

  • Items that have not circulated (either in-house or checked out to a patron/ILL) in ten years for humanities works, five years for scientific/technical/medical works. However, this alone does not constitute sufficient grounds to weed. 

  • Revised, more recent, or duplicate copies of work(s) with little usage

  • Material in outdated formats available in modern format (e.g., VHS copies available in DVD)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.